Gold 1000 US Dollar?

20.01.2019 22:57 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.01.2019 22:58)

Many investors are positive about gold. After the price of gold has risen by about 10 percent or a good 120 dollars since August, it is certainly opportune to simply update the trend in the forecasts. However, there are still very critical observers. There is no need to elaborate on the possible motivations of a particularly negative forecast. It's a legitimate hypothesis that gold and silver could suddenly be different and that stock markets will rise again.

The arguments:

At 3 percent interest rates in the US rising; but the Fed will not raise interest rates until it is convinced of sustainable growth in the US economy.
Improved economic development in emerging markets
The yield on 10-year US government bonds does not rise above 3.5%
A second Brexit referendum that keeps the British in the EU
A stabilization of the US dollar at the December level
A renewed rally in the stock markets
Resumption of US economic growth

"If the markets are performing well and interest rates are around 3 percent, then there are real costs of the gold stance. Not only does gold not pay interest, you also have to pay for storage and insurance. Investors will realize that gold is an unattractive asset and the price will fall ".

Our comment: Well, that there are still "bears" in gold, then there can be no talk of euphoria or a heavily overbought market. And: It does not hurt to always listen to the counter arguments in a case. However, gold is once again considered from the pure investment point of view.

Beste Grüsse aus Frankfurt am Main
Emin Schmidt


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